Green Building How Hilti EPDs and green building supplies – from low-VOC injectable mortars to Cradle-to-Cradle Firestop solutions – can help you to secure LEED certification
Dust Are you looking for practical strategies to reduce, prevent and control construction dust on your jobsites? Click here to take control of construction dust
Safety Features Are you looking to minimize kickback and risk of cuts on your construction sites? Click here for product features to make your work safer and more comfortable.
Our Commitment Our purpose – Building a Better Future – reflects our corporate strategy and is focused on sustainable value creation through leadership and differentiation.
CO2 and Energy Efficiency The construction of buildings accounts for more than 10 percent of global CO2 emissions.
About Us Hilti is a world leader in the design and manufacture of cutting-edge technologies, software and services for the professional construction industry.
Requirements for Suppliers Find out how to become a Hilti supplier, about the process, values and principles we expect our suppliers to meet.
Sourcing Area - Indirect Materials Find out more about how to become a Hilti supplier of indirect materials such as services and supplies, contact a Hilti supply manager.
Supply Management Strategy At Hilti we choose suppliers based on quality, innovation, availability and costs, working together as partners and as an integral part of our process.
Construction Startup Competition 2022 CEMEX Ventures, open innovation unit and corporate venture capital of CEMEX, launches Construction Startup Competition 2022
Cordless Stud Fusion The Hilti Group has improved its sustainability rating, given by the international agency EcoVadis, from silver to gold status within one year.
2021 Business Results The Hilti Group achieved sales growth of 12.1 percent. The strong recovery brings the Group back to the pre-COVID-19 crisis level.
Hilti x Fieldwire Hilti Group, has entered into an agreement to acquire Fieldwire, a San Francisco-based construction technology company for an approximate $300 million.
EcoVadis The Hilti Group has improved its sustainability rating, given by the international agency EcoVadis, from silver to gold status within one year.